Best insurance company solution

Climate success change

Climate change creates a lot of uncertainty for insurers. However, it also
Provides enormous opportunities to think and act to meet the needs of those seeking new products,Service and experience new customer needs.

Join over 1,000 companies working to tackle climate change

You have the ability to remove up to 50% of CO2 emissions

Huge numbers

During this 50-year period, disaster losses averaged
$202 million per day.

Shocking situation

From the 1970s to the 2010s,
Economic losses have increased sevenfold. 2010 increased sevenfold between 2019 and 2019.

Do you need to take action?

Rethink your business model and portfolio, and address your own emissions to avoid risk.

The integrated platform of a large insurance company

An all-in-one platform for large insurance companies

Access our management tools to visualize your progress curve and
Implement your action plan for a pilot.

Introduce green IT in your company

Digital technology is a non-negligible source of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, for any Green IT is a must for any company looking to reduce its environmental impact of.

Attract your suppliers

Assess your supply chain and quickly identify areas for improvement to sustainably
Reduce your own carbon footprint.

Communicate your progress

We assist all clients to communicate sustainably, in a fair and efficient manner
meeting their climate commitments.

Carbon management, a solution for everyone

For your customers

For your customers

Support your clients in understanding new climate-related issues by developing your expertise on all these topics.

For your company

For your company

Differentiate yourself from your competitors by establishing yourself as a proven player in the transition to a sustainable world.

For the earth

For the earth

Fight global warming and contribute to the 2060 goal of carbon neutrality by starting to reduce your own CO2 emissions.

Join the ranks of companies committed to going green