Understand the full impact of your product with lifecycle analysis

Understand the full lifecycle of your product or service to help consumers determine what they can get.

Become a company committed to climate change

What is life cycle assessment?

Every product or service has its own life cycle: produce, sell, buy, use, destroy, recycle... Do a life cycle assessment of your product or service when you want to measure your company's carbon footprint to improve its environmental performance It is critical to understand its full impact.

Provide customers with greater transparency by measuring product impact


of investors prioritize sustainability.



of consumers are willing to pay for brands that make a genuine commitment.


of employees would prefer to work for a company with a CSR approach.

All the support you need

We'll walk you through step-by-step instructions

Easily measure all emissions

Scope 3 typically represents the largest portion of a company's greenhouse gas emissions and is often difficult to measure, so we want to take the burden off of you and make it easy for you to reduce emissions.

Effective action

A detailed analysis of the environmental impact of your products or services can help you improve your procurement strategies and thereby reduce your carbon footprint.

Forecasting and communication

We'll help you anticipate issues with environmental labeling and communicate with your customers, professional or not.

How does LCA work?

Because every product is unique, we consider every step of its lifecycle when conducting your LCA. We use our experience to help you develop appropriate action plans to improve your environmental impact now and in the future.

Goal and Scope Definition

Goal and Scope Definition

We do goal definition and scope definition to identify your product or service to carry out the LCA work.

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

We will collect the input and output flows of your product or service unit process, and build an LCA model based on activity factors and emission factors to evaluate its impact on the environment.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

We will combine your resource consumption and environmental emissions into resource and environmental impact indicators, such as carbon footprint, water footprint, etc., to guide your emission reduction direction.

life cycle explained

life cycle explained

By analyzing the results of LCA, we can get the main sources of impact of your products or services on the environment, find out the reasons and put forward suggestions for improvement.

The most complete and intuitive platform on the market

We want to know the real impact of our activities on the environment and therefore trust Carbon Enterprise to perform a life cycle analysis of our products. This analysis drives us to continuously improve our products, packaging and shipping.

Mr. Lee

A new energy company

The role of life cycle assessment

Whether you want to implement a comprehensive sustainability program or optimize a specific aspect of your business, LCA can help.

Product development

Develop sustainable products that meet the expectations of customers, employees and shareholders.

Optimize work scene

Optimizing the use of resources and waste (energy, water, etc.) in the office.

Enterprise development

Create sustainable policies based on the expectations of the team and potential candidates.

Effective expenditure

Reduce your borrowing costs and operating costs to help attract new investors.

Still have questions?

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Life cycle assessment is a multi-stage and multi-criteria analysis that measures the environmental impact of a product or service, as well as its entire life cycle: from raw material extraction to end-of-life, through manufacturing, use, and more.

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Followers of LCA may include the following:

- public authorities;

- the scientist;

- Industrial companies.

Additionally, any organization that provides products and/or services is likely to be interested in LCA.

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Certainly. Industry Focus is a fully bespoke study.

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