Decarbonizing supply chains through sustainable procurement policies

Involve your suppliers on your net zero journey to reduce your carbon footprint and use the most efficient solutions on the market.

Become a company committed to climate change

What is sustainable procurement?

Sustainable procurement is a procurement method based on economic, environmental and social sustainability. It aims to protect the environment and society and promote sustainable economic development by purchasing products and services that meet sustainable development standards.

Automatically rate your suppliers with the world's largest database (over 100,000 suppliers)

With our Open Carbon API, we can automatically score existing suppliers already in our database.

15 to 70%

More affordable

On average, we are more affordable than all other carbon accounting solutions.

View all our services

Measuring and managing your carbon footprint isn't all we do. You can also gain deeper insight into your lifecycle analysis, decarbonize your supply chain, address industry-specific challenges, or support our certified offset projects.

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