Detroit to use solar power to power all city buildings
All Detroit municipal buildings to be powered by community solar as part of city's efforts to combat climate change Detroit Rock Solar City has determined that it will need approximately 250 acres of solar panels to achieve 100 percent solar power for its municipal buildings. To that end, it proposes a win-win scheme that invites […]
Earth will experience prehistoric heat within five years
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released its climate forecast report for the next five years. The report aims to inform policymakers by providing climate projections for the coming years (2023 to 2027). "This report does not mean that we will permanently exceed the 1.5°C (2.7°F) level set out in the Paris Agreement, which refers […]
North America's first hydrogen train opens in Quebec
Alstom公司的氢能客运列车“Coradia iLint”在魁北克省的夏洛瓦首次投入使用。它的首次亮相也标志着由氢动力的火车首次在北美踏上旅程。 2023 年 6 月 17 日,100 名乘客登上 Coradia iLint 前往加拿大和美洲的首次氢能列车之旅。列车从魁北克市的蒙特伦西行驶了90公里到拜圣保罗,将乘客带到联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的夏洛瓦生物圈保护区。 Alstom的氢能列车自行生产能源。氢能列车的燃料电池由Accelera提供,该公司在安大略省开展业务。为火车提供动力的绿色氢气由Harnois Énergies在该公司的魁北克市工厂生产。 随着这列氢能列车的商业运营,Alstom及其合作伙伴将能够更好地评估开发氢推进技术生态系统的下一步,以及该技术在北美市场的渗透。 Alstom和魁北克三河大学氢能研究所将分析示范项目的结果。 “我们非常自豪地看到我们的Coradia iLint氢能列车在魁北克运送第一批北美乘客,”Alstom美洲总裁在最近的Alstom新闻发布会上说。 Keroullé补充说,这列火车“还将为魁北克正在开发的绿色氢生态系统提供非凡的展示。 Coradia iLint 氢能列车在魁北克的商业服务是该公司位于魁北克省圣布鲁诺德蒙塔维尔的美洲新创新中心的第一个任务。 该中心致力于可持续交通解决方案,其主要目标是通过开发专门针对北美市场的混合动力、电池或绿氢推进的未来平台来加速铁路部门的脱碳。该列车的商业运营是围绕Alstom铁路解决方案发展零直接排放生态系统的第一个里程碑。 文章来源:world-energy
Protecting and Restoring Wildlife Offers New Climate Solutions
By protecting and restoring wildlife, we can enhance natural carbon capture mechanisms and reduce climate change, a new study suggests. Introducing natural solutions to combat climate change by protecting and enhancing carbon capture in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has the added advantage of protecting animal species. While many natural climate solutions currently focus on protecting […]
What is ESG data? How to use ESG data?
概要 You may have heard that investors care about ESG data. But do you know why? What is ESG data? "E", "S", and "G" in ESG data represent Environmental (environmental), Social (society), and Governance (governance) respectively. Also known as the three key components companies will use to determine the environmental efficiency and sustainability of their […]